Blog October 22, 2019

Fall season is the time to cool off from the extreme heat of the summer season. It is also a great time to enjoy the outdoors before the cool winter season comes plus the wonderful view of the falling leaves and its different colors are a plus in walking outdoors. Pet owners might take this time to go hiking or walking on nature to enjoy the season of fall. Though warmer days are over, dangers are still about for your pets. In this article, we will be discussing Safety Tips for you and your pet to fully enjoy the season.
Once you go for a walk to the park, try avoiding piles of leaves. Though it may seem fun for your pet to play among these leaves, these leaves though seemingly harmless can possibly pose as a threat for your pets. Ticks for one can be living under these leaves where they can survive even into winter. Also, don't let your pet eat or chew on these leaves. These piles of leaves can develop bacteria and mold which when eaten can cause gastrointestinal upsets.
Outdoor Exercises
Exercise is still important. Enjoy hiking, camping or even hunting while the weather is still nice enough outdoors. While you're at it, make sure you continue to use tick control and repellent products, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors.
Back in school
It's time for the kids to go back to school. This would mean Your pets are going to miss the house full of people or going on summer vacations. Some may find a hard time adjusting to being home alone and may even show signs of separation anxiety like excessive barking or house soiling and destructive behavior. Try introducing these new routines so your pets can have time to adapt. With kids going back to school, this would also mean stocking up on school supplies such as glue sticks, pencils, and markers that although contains low toxic levels, can still cause gastrointestinal upset and blockages when ingested by pets. Remember to hide these supplies away from your pet's reach.
Trick or treating with pets
Your pet's might tag along when kids go trick or treating. Always keep your dog on a leash and make sure they don't eat foods that are toxic to them such as grapes, raisins, especially chocolates as chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine which could dangerously affect the heart, central nervous system, and kidneys of pets. Pets will immediately show signs of ingesting chocolates as signs will how only after 4-24 hours from ingestion such as; vomiting, diarrhoea, restlessness, hyperactivity, rapid breathing, muscle tension, incoordination, increased heart rate and seizures. Be sure to also avoid pets from chewing luminous jewelry and glows ticks at it contains a mixture that can irritate their gums and may show signs such as dribbling, frothing and foaming at the mouth, vomiting and stomach pain. Although these signs may seem dramatic, ingesting luminous jewelries and glow sticks are not going to cause any significant problems.
Walks under dark skies
Fall means longer nights and lesser walks under the sun. You will notice that it will be dark when you do your early morning and late night walks. For you and your pet's safety, wear bright colors and make your pet wear reflective collars or blinking light for you both to be visible to cars.
Holiday decors
It's the season of holidays! Before you know it, it's going to be Halloween and Thanksgiving Day soon! This means decorations are going to be put around the house. Although decorating helps in livening up the holiday spirit, Pets can get into that spirit by sampling?let's say your cute little trinkets and other irregularly shaped objects around the house which when ingested can lead to foreign body obstruction. Pets are a curious bunch so make sure to keep pets away from these decors so they don't end up sampling them.
Backyard Poisons
Yes, there are many poisons for your pet lingering around your yard and the garage especially during this season of fall. Remember to always keep dangers out of your pets' way. Keep your pet confined safely in case you will be needing to use poisonous items. If ever your pet gets exposed to anything that is potentially toxic or poisonous, contact your vet as soon as you can and bring the toxic product container to let your vet inspect. Here's some to name a few:
Rat Poison
As the weather gets colder mice rodents look for warmer places to hide and be warm and where better can they go than - yup, you go it right! In our own houses. This is why we tend to put mouse traps and rat poisons inside our homes. These rat poisons or rodenticides are highly toxic to pets and could be fatal once ingested. If you see your pet carrying carcasses of rodents you must make sure your pets drop it as they can be poisonous as well. Although you might not choose to use rodenticides in your comes, still you might not know if the house next door used rodenticides or not. Take caution in using rodenticides and put them in areas that are not accessible by your pets.
Car Coolant/Antifreeze
Careful on winterizing your car. In order to prepare for the cold winter weather, most many are already changing their car engine's coolant but Ethylene glycol-based coolants are highly toxic substances. Spills from these must be cleaned up immediately. If your pet ingests ethylene glycol, or if you have any concerns, contact your vet immediately. First signs that your pet have ingested ethelyne glycol is when your pet appears to be drunk. The prognosis becomes less good the longer the delay between ingestion of the antifreeze and initiation of treatment. Try to consider buying propylene glycol-based coolants that are less toxic for pets.
Don't let your pet eat mushrooms outdoors. Fall just like spring is the mushroom season. Fungus and mushrooms growing in your backyard could be highly toxic to your pet. Some mushrooms are highly toxic to dogs but even fungi experts (mycologists) find it difficult to tell the difference between them.
Garden litters
Get rid of ticks' favorite environments, such as leaf and garden litter, where ticks can sometimes survive even into winter. Moreover, garden litter can be harmful to pets. Pick up fruit, fruit pits, berries, seeds, leaves and stems that have fallen on the grounds. Make sure your compost bins in your yard are on a closed container as compost can pose a great risk on your pets. Also, secure plants with fallen leaves in a small barrier to prevent pets from poking their eyes.
Wild animals in your backyard
Autumn is the season where wild animals are preparing for hibernation. This would mean your pets may be in danger of getting themselves bitten by snakes if ever they are unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. As pet parents, you should know where these dangerous animals could be hiding or lurking about to keep your pets away from those areas.
Look for ticks immediately
Yup, we're still reminding you about ticks. Ticks are not just active during the summer season. Ticks are considered to be a year-round health threat. After a long walk outdoors, remember to check for ticks immediately. It is well known that there are a lot of tick transmitted disease your pet can get from the, most popular of which is the Lyme Disease which we usually get from Blacklegged (deer) ticks which most of us are very familiar with. Other transmitted disease includes: Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain, and Spotted Fever. Learn more about ticks here.
Dropping temperatures
As the weather temperature begins to drop, let's keep in mind how we can make it warmer for our pets. Make sure your pets are safe inside the house when the air is brisk and make sure that they have a warm blanket to tuck them warmly at night.
Appropriate autumn diet
This time of the year, you might need to feed your pet with more food. Consult your vet about the appropriate diet for your pet. Moreover, since it's the season of holidays, you better be careful on feeding your pet for the holiday. Eating too much rich, Rich, high-fat foods, though not exactly listed as toxic for dogs, when eaten heartily can cause diarrhea and gastroenteritis to pets. Careful also on choking hazards like turkey bones.
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